Dawn of the Dead
There are hotels and gas stations riddled with fliers for the Zombie Apocalypse Store. I first found out about this place from a random Barstow gas station alongside many other Vegas-bound brochures. I'm a dooms day & zombie kinna gal, so we decided to take a detour in Vegas for a peak @ the strip & stop by the ZAS!
It should have been an easy place to find, but for some reason it took us a few loops and even a call to the store to find it. I guess I'm not a very good navigator, but let's just blame it on all the driving I've been doing ;) The small private parking lot is pretty sweet with some kid-frightening zombies and militia style decorating. The store itself is filled with novelty type zombie items and a few good resources to stock your bunker or car trunk with..... Just. In. Case.
Its a fun and animated store that caters to that niche market of thrill seekers, end of the world junkies, and the occasional nut job. They also host zombie paintball events. I heard its held every Friday night but I'd suggesting giving them a call to inquire. Whatever your reason is to want to visit this place... its all good! We bought some cool souvenirs here but I'll leave it to sporting good, home improvement and army surplus stores to fill up my INCH bag and prep-stash.