| - FAKE SERVICE DOG CENTRAL. I used to shop here frequently with my task-trained, medical alert/response Service Dog, but due to the amount to incidents we've had with obviously untrained PETS being allowed into the store, I no longer feel safe shopping with her here (or any Walmart, for that matter). We've had all sorts of encounters...from small dogs in shopping carts shrieking when they see my dog, to my dog almost being attacked (multiple times) by uncontrolled, untrained dogs on leashes. It's unacceptable. And the times I've tried to express my concerns to management, they don't seem to care much. Not only is it unsanitary AND against health codes to allow untrained PETS into a business that sells and handles food, it's also DANGEROUS for LEGITIMATE service dogs and their disabled handlers. It's not that hard to tell a legitimate working dog/dog in training from an untrained pet...the law allows a business to ask individuals bringing dogs into their facility if a.) the dog is a service dog needed for a disability and b.) what tasks the dog has been trained to perform to aide said disability. (Note: comfort, therapy, companionship, etc are NOT recognized as tasks by the ADA...emotional support and/or therapy animals are NOT service dogs, therefore they are NOT allowed in places that don't allow pets...such as a grocery store). They have the right to deny access/ask for the dog to be removed if the questions aren't answered adequately and/or if the dog is causing a disturbance, behaving aggressively or relieves itself in the store. I've seen all of these things happen and NEVER seen anything done about it. Maybe if Walmart cracked down and started asking questions at the door and removing unruly dogs, this wouldn't be such a big problem. I've shared some photos of my Service dog working at this location as an example of how a true service dog should behave.