Disappointed with a private class I took there. I made it very clear to the reception what I wanted and, to my not-so-surprise, the instructor wasn't prepared. I expected the instructor to come in with quite a few moves ready to go and to guide me through them, but instead, we kept watching youtube videos a few times during the class so she could "guess" what the moves were, which consumed the little time we had. I'm not sure if there was some miscommunication about my expectations between the reception and the instructor (I think that once I booked a private, I should be in touch directly with the instructor to discuss what we will work on). All I know is that, even though the instructor was nice and gave me a couple of useful tips, it was definitely not worth the almost $100 I paid. As someone else already pointed it out and I agree, the pros are the studio is clean and spacious and they have great dancers there. The cons are that the prices are really high, the private classes are a rip-off and the attitude we get from the reception is far from ideal or professional. Not to mention the several days I had to wait for an answer if and when an instructor would be available.