This review is for Christine at the Benefit Brow Bar...
I absolutely hate having my brows done. The reason? The outcome! I've left salons looking: angry, surprised, perplexed, frowning, and completely unlike myself so many times - I am no longer hopeful. The only reason I arrived at Ulta yesterday is I was two hairs (away) from werewolf.
When it comes to Ulta, I buy products and pretty much leave it at that. Brows done years ago were pencil thin as were the person's who determined I should be her mirror image. The brow bar was a complete surprise and a novel idea of looking at someone right-side up as opposed to upside down. That really appealed to me feeling things could go no more wrong than my salon experiences - yet freaked me out at the same time. "More" wrong would mean NO eyebrows!!
By the time I met Christine (I waited 10 minutes because she was on break) I had whipped myself into a frenzy. She said hello and asked the required questions. I signed a form and started a crazy banter of questions. Her saying she would "first" draw my brows to show me what she would do - put me at ease. She did, I approved, she got to work, and only tweezed two hairs at the end. (Amazing! I usually end up in "tweeze hell!")
My brows are FABULOUS!