I was ants-in-my-pants excited to try out the Popcorn Shop; I love local places that have survived the decades, and I had read many favorable reviews. The buttered and kettle popcorn and salt-water taffy I bought were yummy, no doubt, but the shop seemed pretty picked over. There were only about five flavors of popcorn left, and the bags looked rather squished while the kernels appeared in bits. I was there on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of winter; I'm unsure if a large crowd had cleared the shelves earlier in the day or if they simply don't prepare for much business in the colder months. (I'm positive it attracts a lot of foot traffic in the summer as it is located right by the waterfalls.) The candy and ice cream selection was rather small as well.
If you are a popcorn aficionado, I would suggest Campbell's Sweets Factory with locations in Ohio City and Lakewood as well as a stand at the West Side Market. The family owned stores feature dozens of popcorn flavors, along with handmade chocolates and cupcakes.