| - Full disclosure: I've only ever eaten Queen Margherita Pizza (henceforth known as "QMP") via delivery. But 95%+ of the pizzas I eat are delivery/to-go pies (I am too ashamed at the speed and ferocity with which I eat pizza to do so in public), so I believe I have a well-calibrated standard for comparison.
At first glance, QMP's pizza looks like it could compete with the likes of Libretto and Maker, my current favorites. The crust is nice and bubbled and charred, and the toppings are the type that would qualify as "premium" add-ons at Domino's -- that is, if Domino's even offers them at all.
But something is clearly missing. The dough is bland, dry, and lacking in character. (Yes, I am anthropomorphizing my dough.) The sauce doesn't have any zing. And the toppings, at least on the pizzas I've tried, either don't mesh well or don't bring any life to the plate (there I go again, talking about my pizza like it's a person).
After 3 or 4 tries, I just gave up.
P.S.: I don't mean to slag on Domino's here -- I actually much prefer it to QMP and most other pizza places in the city. You really can't beat their pepperoni: sliced perfectly thin so it's crispy on the edges, and salty, oily, fatty and meaty in the middle.