| - Four adults for $28 for a Sunday matinee? What's not to love? The women's restroom needed better upkeep-- there was a slight ammonia smell (a by-product of urine breakdown) in the stall I stepped into, and there were overflowing trashcans and toilets, but perhaps it's freak-timing. For this first visit in a long time, I'll give the staff the benefit of the doubt.
After a few hours of shopping after the movie, we needed a restroom break before heading home, but the restrooms by the food court were already locked, so I thought I'd ask the movie ticket counter if we could use the restroom there. It took the teen a few seconds and my suggestion to leave our bags with her (kind of like a form of collateral, so that she knew we weren't trying to sneak in for a free movie), but she finally caved in and let us through. I swear, I thought she was going to turn us away. Of course, if she did, then she was only doing her job, but I do hope she knows we really appreciated her kind act! Thank you!!
p.s. Why aren't people willing to move in closer together so that vacant seats, but separated by those occupied, could now be available for incoming patrons who want to sit together? I know I and my companions would readily do so for others... I feel it's just a considerate gesture for people to extend, but perhaps I'm just expecting too much? Hmm...