my goodness, a snail carrying one of these hotels on its back would go has about 10,486 stops from strip end to strip end, is packed like a motherfucka on weekends (standing room on ny's eve) could barely squeeze in, and its a mixture of tourists and ghetto/crackhead/toothless/faded residents.
Not cheap either, had to shell out $18 for 3 people just to get from point a to b.
I rememeber these were like $2 bucks. If your one person and have all the time in the world, and are extremely patient, go for it. Over 2 people cab is same price if not cheaper, or use the monorail. Only reason took this POS is had to get to downtown LV (another huge mistake) but again cab might cost a few bucks more, but Im telling you it stops and stops and stops (not counting traffic lights!) and takes forever to load/unload passengers at each stop. Fuck meeeeeeeeee!