The line to get a cab here is FREAKING RIDICULOUS.
It's like a maze of ropes --literally walking from one end of the airport to the other end.. and then doing it again. maybe like 4x????
I stood there; and honestly was able to memorize people's shoes to match with their outfits. Yah. the wait was that long; i had to create a game in my head to keep me entertained.
You can't help but see them over and over and OVER again.
So if you're going in the summer.. make sure you wear comfortable shoes if you have to take a cab....there's going to be a lot of walking to get a cab if there's a line.
wear sunscreen, have some water handy, have a facial spray mist..and learn to breathe.
Also if you're going carrying a heavy duffle back?? don't do it.. get those rollies.