| - Having been buying my bras from La Senza for years (read: ever), I figured it might be nice to step it up a bit and get some nicer bras. I had read the good reviews for SHE and though I'd be willing to pay the price for a nice bra that has the potential to last me for years.
I'm a 32D-32DD and they confirmed that. When they brought me bras to try on, none fit like they normally do for me. They either flattened me out or literally pushed me out everywhere (I'm not a big girl so it was really digging into me, despite being the size I thought I was and they fit me to be). It's kind of awkward asking for a different size when you've been fitted for a few minutes to another...
There were two bras I wound up considering as simple, t-shirt bras. However, reading the reviews, I was expecting it to be between about 90-140. I was shocked when one -shirt bra was over 200 and the other was 180! Don't they suggest wearing a different bra every day and throwing them away at least every 5 years? If so, that's a hefty price to pay. I can if you're buying nice lingerie as a sexy thing for your partner (or yourself) then it may be worth it, but not for what I had in mind.
My sister came with me and had a bit better luck. She found two bras she liked as well and wanted to think about it before laying down 300. When she looked up the bras at home though, they were about 40% cheaper buying from the website than from the store (including shipping). She wound up just buying it online. As well, they told us they didn't have all the sizes in their store and would need to order it if we wanted it (so really, they were charging us 40% more to try them on, if we bought from them).
Maybe this is the place to go if you want sexy lingerie, have a hard time finding proper fitting bras, or are one of those people who enjoy nice bras for yourself. However, I went directly to La Senza afterwards and wound up buying a better-fitting and nicer looking bra from them for 1/5 the price. The only thing I can say that is good about them is that the women are friendly, fit you well, and make you feel comfortable. As well, if you have trouble finding bras, they can order you a larger size (but why not just get sized there, try on the bra and order it yourself).