| - While there are some mainstays on the menu, a large portion of the soups are seasonal so there is always reason to go back in to try the new ones. Most, if not all, are organic which is also nice and always creates a better flavor. There is also a wide variety of gluten free and veggie friendly ones.
Their salads are also fresh and creative! They are not your typical chicken and shredded yellow cheese fast food variety. They have unique and fragrant white cheeses as well as crispy fresh fruits to go on them. I believe their dressings are home made as well and I've never been disappointed by them, and I'm normally not a fan of dressing at all. I used to only order dressing as a way to "lube up" a salad, or else eating one feels like you are choking down a rake full of cold foliage. Their dressings however are fantastic and flavorful without fighting the natural texture and flavor of the salad. Rather, it compliments the flavor, like it should.
There are several to choose from so you can create a large variety of lunch and dinner options between all the salads and 8 or so soups that are available on any given day. Meaning you could eat here frequently and not be bored by it and if you are ordering for the office they will have some combination suitable for everyone. There isn't much of a menu beyond the soups and salads so they seem to cater mostly to the lunch time crowds. I would love to see them add a few more options like sandwiches and perhaps some small selection of baked goods for dessert.
All the soups are made fresh daily so the later in the day you go, the more likely they are to be out of your first choice. However, every time they have been out of one or more soups I ordered they've always give me a price break or upped the size of my order for free. That is very generous and I have never been treated to that at other restaurants. Usually if they are out of something, oh well. But here they really want to see you leave happy.
They are willing give you a small sample of soup if you ask them so you can taste test which one you want before you buy it, a nice touch. I agree to an extent with some other reviewers that not all of their soups are knock your socks off phenomenal, though I've never had a bad one. The trend I notice in the reviews, and with my own experience, is that the more "typical" soups like chicken noodle or broccoli cheese aren't jaw dropping amazing. But really, how many times have you had a memorable chicken noodle soup? They all tend to be the same and they seem to be on the menu to cater to less adventurous eaters (you'll always have that one person in the group who sticks their nose up at anything new or different. They are there like a tiny pizza at a chinese buffet). But I would never compare their soups to campbell's canned sodium bombs. There is a distinct quality and taste difference. I can't fathom how many cartons of cigarettes you would have to smoke per day to confuse the two. Maybe twenty? ish?
So in short, bonus points for a nice staff, Bar style seating which allows you to people watch out the window, seasonal varieties, Mexican Coke, and awesome salads. Minus a few points for lack of SAMMICHES and brownies to stuff my food hole with.