| - The pinnacle of Vape shops. Great service, great selection, great environment.
The owner, Kevin, is a really great person, he was able to help me quit my cigarette addiction!
About 5 years or so ago, I stumbled into Kevin's shop back when he was just starting up, it was just him in a super small space, working all day everyday. You could tell he was giving it everything he had. After helping a customer out real quick he had me sit down and we shot the sh*t for what seemed like maybe 20-30 mins. He got me set up with everything I needed to succeed. I was prepared & had even made a new friend. No pressure at any time, just helpful, friendly and you could tell he genuinely cares.
It didn't stop there though, I came back to get juice from him because well, what comes around goes around. I remembered the great service. Time went on, we had more great talks each time I came by, then we started talking about how I wanted to quit my nicotine habit...
At that moment Kevin helped me ween myself down by making lower and lower mg nicotine juice I just needed to remember what mg I was using and make the decision on when to lower it. Eventually I was using 0mg nic and not even craving it, victory! After about a year of 0mg juice I was able to break the other habit created when I smoked cigarettes: smoking before, during and after everything. I've been nicotine free for 2 years and loving it, I also stopped vaping... juice that is ;)
When I quit using my e-cig I passed it on to my neighbor in hopes that it will help him quit cigarettes too.
Thanks for the great memories. If you're ever in Santa Cruz make sure to drop me a line dude.