The old lady that works there is rude. Asked her to help me find something I saw there the day before, and she said it was either moved or they sold out. Since I was just there yesterday and saw that there were plenty, I asked where they might have been moved to. She then (and I kid you not) responded with, "I don't know, I didn't move them." I was so mad I walked right out. Then I came back in to asked a young sales associate to speak to a manager, and what do you know, the rude lady IS the manager!!! You mean to tell me not only do you not know where things are in this small store that you spend 8 hours a day in, but you're not even going to attempt to figure it out? ... And then the young sales associate took me through the entire store to find the item I was looking for. What amazed me is that some teenage girl has better customer service than an her much older manager. I asked to speak to whoever was in charge of that manager and I was told he was on lunch and to wait to speak to him. After hearing her say to him "that girl is over there waiting for you so she can tell on me or something" he walked over to me and I could see his eyes glaze over as I told my story and said nothing more than "thank you for your feedback." Lol not even an apology. I will never step foot in this store again. And I hope that young lady finds a better place to work because she was great.