My husband and I were fortunate enough to receive complimentary tickets for Circus 1903. However, it is an amazing show at any price.
The underlying show is good. There's a great mix of classic circus acts slightly altered for the small space. The highwire, contortionist, and juggler were all AMAZING. Like many, I loved the acrobats (which my husband would like everyone to know are technically performing "Icarian games" - like Icarus -- making people fly that shouldn't). The elephants were mind-blowing. There were moments I forgot they weren't real. The Ringmaster brought the whole thing together and really wove an amazing "story".
However, Circus 1903 manages to transcend all of the individual acts and recreate the classic Circus experience of "a circus coming to town" from beginning to end with its music, lighting, costumes, and heart. I thought that was perhaps the part that brought this from a "good" show to a "great" show. It fits perfectly with the theming of the Paris Casino and exudes classical charm.
This is a fantastic show for anyone - it is so family friendly, and everyone can find something to enjoy. I will happily recommend it to anyone looking for a good Strip performance.