Kate is wonderful! She was able to knock out knots I had no idea I had. This was my first time having a restorative massage. I was expecting it to be a little rough and it was. Totally okay. I like my massages with a little more zen so I'd probably only get a restorative massage once every few months. It took me a while to relax because of the pressure but when I finally did, everything was perfect. I've also never tried cupping either but I had 2 knots that "grew on me". Kate and I joked about that. 2 knots, one on the right upper shoulder that wouldn't leave and one on the left. Kate suggested cupping for them. I'm so glad she did!
Finding the place was a little tricky. For this visit I purchased a Groupon. It didn't specify that the studio was located in the back of a home (in the pool area). That was a little unexpected. If I lived closer I'd definitely make a return visit.