I have to agree with the others, most of the food here is average at best.
The good things about Salty Senorita are the Happy Hour menu, Chips and Salsa, Quesadillas, the outdoor seating (seat yourself), and the mountain views.
If you can live with the just okay food the rest of it makes Salty worth the trip. There's also usually some great people watching available here.
While the patio seating is fairly close to the road, if you pick the right seat you'll have fabulous McDowell Mountain views. Having lived in Arizona full-time for just eight months I always love a mountain view and a sunny day. You just don't get that in Chicago. As much as I travel I don't take the beautiful valley weather for granted just yet.
Head on over to Salty to check out Happy Hour, just stick with the Chips and Salsa, a cold beer and maybe a Quesadilla.