I went to a strip club in Mexico once and had a memorable experience. One that I've tried to replicate for many years after.
The stripper, who was very cute and also very proud of her lactating skills, would for all of a buck hastily whip out one of her tits on demand, squeeze it, and shoot a stream of milk at you.
She reminded me of drunk me, peeing in a parking lot someplace...waving my stream around until I've spelled out my name.
People...now that's entertainment!
As compared with the Candy Store, where some dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers stripper who's all too willing to spend a few thousand bucks on breast implants while badly in need of dental implants, snubs you because the black-light illumination is prominently displaying the pee stain on your cargo shorts.
The Candy Store.
Nice boobs.
Bad grilles.
And girls with no fundamental lactating / squirting abilities, which they should possess since most are single moms.
A disappointment on every level.