It's unfortunate that some of my favorite stores are no longer in the Biltmore and it's remodel by Westcor makes it look like all the other strip malls in AZ.... what happened to the old Phoenix Charm? Where did it go?
Rumor has it that Biltmore pushed Banana Republic out and Restoration Hardware. I know Gucci left b/c the rent was raised so high, they said F YOU- we are heading to Scottsdale, leaving the expensive eye wear to be purchased as Saks.
I also heard that all the restaurants will be gone and condos will be going in there and up--- is this true???? Someone tell me!!!!
The most disappointing is the charm of the Biltmore is gone. It's still pretty and nice to walk around but the charm is far gone. It's unfortunate.
Although, my friends and I do think that there is an unwritten rule that only cute adorable children and precious doggies are allowed on the property and they must frolic and play on the grass. So if you got an ugly kid, leave him in the car ala Britney Spears style.