They are known for their CARNE ASASDA and it does rock but dang this place was nickle and diming me at every turn!
Everything is ala carte, and the tacos are so small,3 bites and its done.
For the price tag it should at least come with a small bag of chips.
Honestly the chips were so average it was disappointing. the salsa that comes with it was mediocre considering the hold out factor applied. The salsa that came with my tacos was exceptional, that should be their signature salsa for everything.
Sodas by the can, no refills,,geezzz,, another 3.00 bucks later.
I think I ended up spending over $12 for 3 small tacos and small basket of chips, and 2 sodas in z can.
For that price, I want more atmosphere or at least a 4 bite taco.