So my first review was horrible... I hated the place.
The mistake I made the last time I ate there was trying their popular foie gras dishes. Truth be told: I don't like foie gras! At all! Naturally... That made me dislike every dish I tried. I just find that fatty metal taste unbearable.
So I decided to give this place a second chance.
The waitress suggested pig intestines and veal testicle as specials of the day. I am sorry but NO! I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would eat that, or beef tongue for that matter.
So I stuck with dishes that appealed to my simple self: cod fritters, lobster sundae and guinea hen. The fritters were good... But the sundae and the hen were absolutely marvellous and perfect. Un vrai chef d'oeuvre!!
So I changed my mind... This restaurant deserves all the praises it receives as long as you order things that appeal to YOU and not necessarily the popular choices.