Shopped Online, found a car we wanted to take a look at. Prearranged financing. Visited dealership. Sales rep was very kind and pleasant. Knowledgeable of the car. This particular car had 24000 miles on it (2015) model.
I had guaranteed internet pricing (plus TTL) and pre approved financing.
Wife and I decided to purchase the vehicle. When docs came back, there was a $1390.00 "re-conditioning fee" added. I told the gentleman I was not paying that. He went to his "boss" and they stood firm. We shook hands with the sales rep, no hard feelings and left.
It shows that even in todays age, people still get taken advantage of at car dealerships. 9 out of 10 people probably fall for that (and other) ridiculous, arbitrary add on fees that are complete garbage. Just another way to make the dealership $$$
Negotiated or guarantee price of car, plus TTL. Thats all you should ever pay. Never let anyone associated with a dealership try to tell you differently. Buy smart, take a stand. Do not be afraid to walk out. Eventually they will learn their lesson and change their ways.
We will keep looking, eventually we will find the car that is right for us.
It will work out, it always does.