| - This review is for Teresa who works in this salon. I came to her last August or September fed up with my hair. In fact I'd been fed up with it for years. I have very thick, stiff, straight hair with some gnarly cowlicks. My hair wants to go the direction it goes, and there's little one can do to fight it. In addition, my hairline comes down quite low on my forehead and isn't straight across by any means.
I realize many men who are bald or balding will have little sympathy for me as I have a full thick head of hair, but I can tell you it is unruly and over the years I've been to many stylists (some very high-end and expensive) who've been unable to give me a decent cut that is flattering and doesn't require a long daily styling routine. Even supposedly very well trained and experienced stylists have struggled with my hair. They don't believe me when I sit down in the chair and tell them, "if you take off any length here by my part it's not going to go down and we'll have to go way short". Needless to say I've spent most of my life with very short cuts that require little to no styling but aren't very good looking.
Enter Teresa. We were already starting from a previous bad cut and you can imagine I'm not the easiest customer to please. She took the time to listen to my experiences and then came up with a game plan. She didn't tell me I'd have an amazing cut that day, but told me within 4-6 cuts she'd have me looking great. It wasn't going to be the easiest in the meantime, but she assured me if I stuck with her she'd make it happen. And she was right. During my first cut, as she worked she showed me the direction my hair grows on my head and the problem areas. She described how the cuts I'd been getting were problematic because they were trying to fight my hair instead of work with it. I left that first day with a good looking cut, but that required a lot of work each day to style.
For three more cuts we let areas grow, trimmed other spots, and worked towards a goal of a great men's cut to highlight my thick head of hair. Each time at the end of the cut she would carefully take me through the whole styling process so I could do it at home. With each cut the styling got easier. I think just having someone educate me about my hair and how to style has made a huge difference. Nobody has ever taken the time to do that before.
I just had my hair cut by Teresa a few days ago, and now I've got a great swept back cut that it professional and clean. Best of all, when I get out of the shower with my hair wet, it practically falls into place. Styling is now a breeze. She also fixed my hairline problem with a little straight razor which I can maintain at home. My confidence is through the roof, and it's all thanks to Teresa for taking the time to really help someone who was clueless. Thank you Teresa!