I did not appreciate the hard sell on the warranty. The sales associate went over details and asked if I was interested. I declined respectfully. Store Supervisor then comes over and goes into a 15+ minute speech while I'm at the register about how it is the greatest deal ever, it saved him so much money. It's through square trade and they are amazing. He gives me his story about how he just used it on his laptop and they sent him a gift card and it saved him so much money. Apparently Staples did not get the memo of why people did not like Best Buy circa 2005. I called corporate relations to complain about the hard sell on the warranty. Three (3) Staples employees standing by the cash register is too much while being 'asked' if I wanted to buy a warranty and how I could not buy it tomorrow and had to decide now. I was told it is not policy and he would follow up. There has been no follow up after a week. If you plan to buy technology or anything that could possibly have a warranty go to a different staples unless you want the possibility of being pressured into purchasing a trash warranty. Most electronics come with standard warranties and most credit cards provide protection...FYI