| - So, I got my first speeding ticket in Las Vegas... Bummer. It was going to cost me $300... Ouch.
That seemed a little high, so I started paying closer attention to all those ads from lawyers wanting to fix my speeding ticket. I shopped around and it seems like many offer about the same deal (within about a $5 range).
I called ETraffic and the lady on the phone explained the deal -- a $45 fee and there was a very good chance (though no guarantees) that they would be able to lower the ticket fee. She took my information over the phone, including my credit card # and that was it. About 5 minutes of my time and I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of showing up to the court on a certain day and deal with all that.
They sent me a post card with the confirmation and I waited for the day to come. When it came, I checked the status of my ticket online. No updates. I waited a few days, still no updates and now the county court website said my fine was past due. Uh-oh.
I decided to call Etraffic again, for an update. I really don't want a warrant sent out on me for failure to pay.
Now, here is what made them lose two stars - the woman I got on the phone to ask my - simple- question, must have just answered the same question a million times. And oh, maybe her dog just died, whatever it was, she was in a foul mood and really wanted someone to take it out on. -Enter unsuspecting customer's phone call (me).
Yes, I am calling to get an update on my traffic ticket. The court date was Monday.
"That was only three days ago"
Um, yeah.
"Well, they don't go to court just for you, they go for hundreds of people and it takes time to enter all that data"
Um, OK, so when should I expect an update?
{But, she didn't hear me because at this point of the conversation she continued to talk over every attempt I made to stop her lengthy explanation of the process. Apparently it is their policy to punish any customer that DARE ask a question they consider stupid.}
"When you called to get our services we would have explained to you in detail how this works and told you that it would take a couple of days!"
Wow, consider me chastised. I should have taken notes. So, back to my question....when can I expect an update?
Well, she finally told me 7 days and I got off that call as quick as possible. Thanks for making me feel stupid for not knowing YOUR policies.
However, I did finally hear word from them and my fine was reduced to $190. And - bonus, it's not due for two months. So with my fee to them and my fine to the court, I saved $65 and was granted an extension. All around worth it, but if you need their services, take notes!