What do you call it when:
1. You place an order for wings from their official website
2. Get an email confirmation with the price and amount that was on the website
3. Go for a drive to pick-up your order and then are told that you have to pay TWICE what was on the website and the email confirmation/receipt because you are not a "member". Mind you, there is nothing on the website or the order confirmation that tells you this.
4. You're told by the manager and staff there that it doesn't matter what the website says and it doesn't matter what the confirmation email says. It only matters what they are saying.
5. You're told that everyone else that comes in to pick-up an order accepts this policy when they are informed of THEIR policy, and pays double the price EXCEPT for you.
6. Then while waiting for owner/management contact info, a very aggressive employee gets in your face and it takes a manager to push him away when he seems to be getting out of control, while threatening to call the police on him.
Looks like we'll be having pizza tonight