Back from the grave!!!!! One of the Ben & Jerry's flavors have been resurrected from the ice cream graveyard of Ben & Jerry's Flavors!!!!
White Russian is a flavor I would always get whenever I had the chance after first discovering it while going to Culinary school in New York. 1994 was the last time I remember having White Russian after Ben & Jerry's decided to discontinue it...:(
Fast Forward 20 years later, We make it over to The District at Green Valley and ecstatic to hear that people have spoken, and requested to bring back White Russian, so it is back by popular demand at all of the scoop shops in various Las Vegas locations. Get a taste if you're in the area, It is sooooooo good!!! ALOHA!!!
Shaka Meter: \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ 4
YELP 365 CHALLENGE 2014-(61/365) "Back From The Dead"