I scheduled an appointment with Ky-Ko to locate/repair a leak in our roof. On the day they were supposed to come to my house they didn't show up. I ended up calling them to find out where they were. The repairman said the schedulers made a mistake because he was way out on the west side of the valley and I live in Gilbert. He asked if he could reschedule the appt. for a different day when he was going to be in the east valley and I agreed to do so. The day of the 2nd appointment came and again they did not show up -- no phone call or anything. Once again I contacted them. This time the repairman (the same guy) blamed his schedulers by saying they deleted my earlier appointment but forgot the reschedule the new one. He told me he would get with his schedulers and set up a new appointment (the 3rd one). That was about 10 days ago and I've heard nothing. It's amazing to me that these companies can offer such lousy customer service and stay in business!