Who knew bowling could be classy? Every bowling alley I've ever been to (which isn't many, to be honest) is a run down, smokey, hole in the wall kind of joint. So, I was super impressed when this place was the exact opposite.
We didn't really plan on going bowling, we were just up in Cleveland from Akron, walking around after grabbing some dinner and doing a little shopping when this place crossed our path. So, we figure why not?
We went in and discovered that you needed reservations to bowl, which we obviously didn't have. The guy at the counter was awesome enough to give us a lane that was reserved about 45 minutes out and told us we could bowl until they arrive/about 30 minutes. He gave us the lane for half price and we had just enough time to get one game in.
It was a lot of fun and the cocktail service was great. We didn't eat so this is purely on what I saw and the customer service.
I'd definitely make plans, and reservations, to return.