First of all Jeff G. and Connie H. are not real people, I'm sure it is the owner of King Tapes pretending to be a satisfied customer to instill a little bit of faith in all the livid customers. I was there on Monday to see if they were open but of course they were not. There was a sign in the window about a death in the family and that they would be back open for business on Tuesday. I have no idea how long that sign has been up there but today is Tuesday and the phones are still disconnected. I am sure that the owner is afraid to confront all of his angry customers at this point, I know I would be scared if I was in his situation. Generally when there is a death in the family people don't go so far as to disconnect their phones, they just wouldn't answer during that rough period. So I am assuming the family tragedy is a lie. We just want our memories back Clay. How could you steal that from someone, that's worse than stealing our money! I have a friend who is a police officer whom I will be contacting unless Clay decides to start returning some valuables.