| - These guys have a wealth of information and are willing to share it!
I came in looking for a replacement for the Merrell that I like to wear hiking (love the shoe, but the tread just goes so fast), but they weren't currently carrying any Merrells. I did, however, get plenty of information about the differences between hiking boots and shoes, and trail runners, and info about the stickiness of the adidas shoe. These guys seem to really know their stuff.
We moved onto to an explanation about the differences in trekking poles, and that when we get serious about purchasing them, we should rents some to try them out. Again, he had a lot of good information, along with his own experiences out on hikes, which was way more ambitious than anything that I'd typically do.
The next topic was info on the store in general. That it was, of course, locally owned and had been in the valley for a long time. At one point, it was located up on Cave Creek but moved down to the Thomas location in some year that I now can't remember. Oops.
As I was leaving, I decided to show him a picture of the snake that we saw as we were driving into Dreamy Draw, and he was pretty sure that it was a King snake. I don't think there is much that these guys don't know when it comes to hiking.
If you are in the market for anything related to hiking, check this place out.