I go to Pinkberry at least once a month when I'm in Boca Park and the only reason I choose their yogurt over say Yogurtland is because they have a coconut milk option. Today I go in around 7pm and there's a young kid there who tells me "we don't make that anymore" in this nonchalant way. Then he proceeds to stand there. I come from 20 yrs of customer service and that bad news could have been delivered a little better since I drove specifically there for that today. Great customer service would have said, "I'm sorry we no longer carry that item, is there another option that I can help you with?". Instead he just let me stand there and look dumbfounded. So I proceeded to ask about the other options since he wasn't going to volunteer them. I ask him about the $2 pre scoop in the fridge and take one out and ask the guy "is this vanilla Greek yogurt?", he looks at it, takes the lid off and say "yea that should be original". I roll my eyes, and ask him to put a topping on it. He rings me up and as soon as I get to my car I taste the yogurt, and it's some freakin lemon flavor! I'm literally annoyed!! I drive there for coconut milk made yogurt bcus I have dietary needs and they longer sell it, and then I believe this kid about a simple question and now I'm stuck with this gross lemon flavored SOMETHING with freakin peanut butter toppings on it. Can you say gross! I totally wasted a drive and money.