I chose not to take an appointment with this office for primarily 2 reasons. #1 they forced me into making my first OB appointment with a nurse for "pregnancy counseling". Was not given a choice. I am on my 2nd pregnancy and not much has changed in the last 2 years. Also, I have an 80/20 insurance. I am not going to pay to see a nurse to tell me shit I already know. I would have been satisfied with seeing a PA. I didn't have to necessarily see a doctor. But I was not thrilled at not having an option. This is my pregnancy. This is my body. And if I can't control or have choices in the beginning. What else was I going to be forced into? So nope. Nope. Nope #2 they were scheduling 3-4 weeks out. And I had to see the nurse first before they scheduled my appointment with the Doctor. Nope. Nope. And more nope. I found another office that was contracted with the hospital I want to have the baby. On the phone they understood my needs. Then fit me in their schedule the same week. It shouldnt take a month to get into a doctor's office.