| - This place is the bombay digity!
Located on Sahara and Decatur, this small restaurant will give you a cultured taste of India.
The place is small and very CLEAN! which is a must in my restaurant world..
I was greeted by a very nice helpful waitress who took the time to explain their menu and the pronunciation of each dish.
I ordered the Spinach Paneer. I'm a huge fan of spinach, and this put me into cloud 9.. The dish consisted of spinach and tofu, and some type of sauce.. im really clueless when it comes to indian food, i just ask what's in it and i eat it!
Also along with the paneer i had the Garlic Naan, It's good to have with your paneers they compliment each other.
For dessert I had the Keer, which was some sort of rice pudding with berries on top very delish as well!
Samosa is also vegetarian/vegan friendly which is what drawn me to the place, me being a transitional vegetarian/vegan, i was curious what options i had in an indian restaurant .
Overall i was satisfied with the service and the food, they also have lunch specials during lunch time, i did not even bother to look at that, but will give it a try when I go back!