| - Hyakumi means "100 tastes." Before Okada opened, it was my favorite sushi bar in Las Vegas. It's an odd place. The restaurant abuts a busy corridor right next to the casino at Caesars, and the sushi bar is almost hanging over the edge. As a result, the atmosphere is hardly quiet and serene. Somehow or other, that doesn't me - it's just a different kind of experience.
Where Hyakumi shines is in its quality of sushi, and its quality of sushi chefs. The sushi is fresh and flavorful, and the chefs are easy to talk to.
Perhaps because of its location, the customers seem to be a little more colorful than at other places. For example, there was the glassy eyed gentleman who had been gambling all day. He was very friendly, albeit a bit spacey. He let me know how much he loved sushi - although I'm not sure how he could tell. Instead of a regular sized saucer for soy, he had a little bowl, into which he mixed enough wasabi to choke a horse.
Hyakumi is very good, but is in a tough position. If I want top quality, I go to my favorite, Okada. If I want a trendy place with quality sushi, I head to Sushi Roku, which is also located at Caesars (in the Forum Shops).