There was live music! The piano player was a talented gentleman who sat at the entrance! The music added to the yummy food eating experience. Went for dinner with a good friends of mine on 4/18/2015.
For drinks we got a bloody caesar, vodka with tonic, and vodka with club soda. For dinner we ordered bigos (roasted meat, sausage, and lots of cabbage), krokiety (breaded meat and mushroom crepes with a side of salad and side of potato salad), and golabki (cabbage rolls stuffed with pork and rice with side of pickled red cabbage). Bigos was well made and tasty but did not look so appetizing. Krokiety had two separate crepes, one was meat and other was mushroom. The salad and potato salad were not so different from the American versions. Golabki was good as well and the pickled cabbage was a good compliment in regards to flavor but a lot of cabbage on the plate.