I am giving 4 stars overall because the overall quality of the experience was very good there were a few things that were bother some that did not ruin our stay but I believe Management could look into fixing for future visitors. We did visit this location during the time of the Dodgers spring training which by the way is a great experience.
Pros: 1. Clearly this is a very new hotel and casino it is nicely layed out with plenty of space in it and with very nice rooms that are offered for guests. 2. Plenty of food and drink options for everybody which includes a center bar with plenty of seating that is serving 24/7 along with a food court with quality fast food locations that can be found in the city of Phoenix that are right there being offered. 3. Plenty of gaming options, I personally like table games which they did not seem to offer a great amount of because it seems they focus on having people play slots which I play myself but I do prefer table games. The only Con with the games itself is not Craps Table which I was sad to find out but like I said theres more positives then negatives about the casino portion overall.
Cons: 1. Food court is not 24/7 I understand because this is not the center location for money but it seemed to close a bit sooner then I had hoped especially the Dunkin Donuts. 2. NO free cocktails, it seems that you must be playing a table game for a while and the pit boss with give you a free ticket for a cocktail which I found a bit annoying but again thats the managements choice. The next portion is the most annoying thing that happened so I hope management reads this review and is able to fix this problem for others.
3. Most annoying of all, Every time me and my family would try to enter near the casino area they had security guards who were requesting ID on the spot which was a bit annoying because the only way you can get to the food court is to travel around the casino floor and where they check at is about 50 ft. away from ANY way of gambling. They even seemed to ask for ID of our clearly people who are not 21. And they were rude because they seemed to think that were dumb because they said "You though they cant come on the floor with you to the casino," pointing at my Niece and younger sister who were clearly not 21. So in a way we felt offended because there were 5 grown adults including myself with our family walking in so they dont they we have common sense to know they arent allowed on the floor. So we went a total of 3 times back and forth through the food court and it happened every time from 3 different security guards, So this is was the biggest thing my family talked about once we left the casino after our stay.
So Management please read this. I am not sure if others have approached you with a similar issues but to me thats something that needs to be fixed! Me and my family were nice and cooperative with the security guards asking us for ID but I know that wont be the same with every guest walking into the Casino. So please fix this with your security. I am not sure if you have an issue with younger people trying to gamble but please fix this to allow for a better and more positive visit from your guests.
Again the ultimate reason why I gave 4 stars is the overall experience which was a positive one, But that is the biggest thing thats a little bit frustrating since they seemed to try and make us feel stupid. I know they didnt mean offense but thats how I personally felt in the end of the situation.
Again Management please read my negative portion that I pointed out to help with that problem.