There is nothing like Spring Training Baseball. It doesn't mean a single thing, so why not put me in. I can't do any worse then the current Cubs. Right!!!
It is amazing how many Cubs fans there are in this World. This stadium is one of the larger ones and it still sells out. The traffic is horrible but it's horrible when you go to Wrigley, so fans should be use to that. Plus people are trying to sell you spots in front of there houses, just like in Wrigley Field. And yes there are scalpers here too. They try to get more then face value but hold out because this is Spring Training. I don't care if I miss the first inning. Mr. Scalper you'll be begging me to take these tickets off your hands by the second inning.
I love how intimate spring training is. You can hear everything on the field and the crowd is really relaxed. The crowd should be relaxed. The sun is's snowing in Chicago and the Old Style beer is flowing. Yes this is probably the only place in AZ to find an Old Style. I'm sure my AZ Yelpers will correct me but personally I'm not looking for Old Style outside of a Cubs game. It's just ball park tradition!
My buddies and I have had some great times at Spring Training. I once made Jose Mesa blow a game. It was the 9th inning and the Cubs were down by 4 runs. The stadium had emptied out, so my buddies and I moved to the front row. I decided it was time for some home town mojo. I started doing a little razing. Kind of like the copy guy on Saturday Night Live but everything had the word Mesa in it. The crowd around me was laughing very hard. If you give me an audience, then I will entertain you. My favorite part was when Mesa stepped off the rubber, turned his head and gave me the longest stare down. I think it took every bone in his body not to throw the ball at my head. In fact, the crowd all went, "Oooooooooo!" Yes we were officially in his head. In fact, everyone started chanting with me, "Mesa! Mesa! Mesa!" It was one of those amazing moments in my many adventures. All I cared about was that the Cubs won the game and I was the extra guy on the field. So technically I was kind of in one Cubs game. Now only if I could make this into a career.
There is also a great opportunity to see the Cub players out at the bars in the evening. I remember seeing Sammy Sosa before anyone knew who Sammy Sosa was. He was just hanging out near a pool table in a bar, while no one cared to even talk to him or get an autograph. I should have made him my BFF that night. I could have carried his cork bats around for him.
If you've never been to Spring Training I highly recommend it. It is a fun time and you get to hang with other Cub fans from around the country, while enjoying a few brews. It is also nice to start working on your tan. Batter up!!!