Dr. Larsen is very good! I initially went to a fertility clinic in Glendale AZ within proximity of where we live. Big mistake! I saw the doctor there, and she pushed us off to someone else for subsequent visits. We were unsuccessful with IUI. I called the doctor to enquire why and see what we can do to improve our chances, that doctor's assistant said she was too "busy" to talk to us. She also mentioned to my husband he was not her "client" when we had one of the initial visits. With everything combined, we decided not to return. I then researched, and it turns out that when we lived in another state, we had found Dr. Larsen online, so we thought let's pay him a visit. He spent over an hour with us, and we saw him during every subsequent visit. I also had fibroids and he told this was most likely the reason I am not conceiving. He referred me to a gynecologist in Scottsdale, she referred me to a great doctor in Tucson and 3.5 months after we removed the fibroids in Tucson, we conceived.