The shopping and available items are good. The checkout experience has been less than satisfactory during my last 3 shopping experiences. Most recently I bagged my own groceries (which is not a problem) . However when the millennial who is running the checkout just stands there after she scans in your items and plays with her fingernails...while you are frantically trying to bag your goods with a crazed look in your between being flashed looks from the checkout person like "Sir you aren't moving quickly enough and my line is backing up."
I have experienced the next situation twice. Everything is scanned. Most of the items are bagged, you scan in your credit card, the screen flashes up "waiting on cashier"...You turn away and place some thing in the cart, then return your attention to the cashier. You wait...awkward silence. So you look down at the card reader only to find out the cashier has done what she needed to do when you were not looking and its waiting on your signature. Perhaps I have reached that age where I just suddenly stopped understanding electronic devices but I think not since I watched it happen to another person recently as be the judge :)