We took my daughter here for her 2nd birthday. I love the concept and idea of this place, however my one fear of parents not being parents was established. There were two boys (we'll call them boy A and boy B) and my daughter playing in the large ball pit. Myself and one of the boys mom (boy A) were standing watching the children play however the other boys mom (boy B) was not allowed in because she didn't have socks on so she was left standing outside by the door, not able to watch her son. The unsupervised boy B began throwing balls (of various sizes) at boy A. Boy A's mommy just tried laughing and saying "oh let's play nicely". However when boy B picked up a giant yoga ball and threw it at boy A's head and knocked him down boy A's mommy finally reprimanded boy B. Thankfully by this time my daughter had grown tired of the ball pit and wanted to find new toys. My problem with a place like this is that supervision isn't always available. Boy b's mom probably had no idea nor will she ever that her son was being a little bully. Now if it were my daughter being targeted with balls I would have raised more than hell. My advise for new parents going here, BRING SOCKS, and play along with your children to supervise them... don't make other parents, parent your children.