I am basing this review 100% on Sean Donnelly, Director fo Restaurants and the 2 meals I had at the Scott restaurant. I was attending a conference at the Embassy Sites Hotel next door. The conference started at 8:30 a.m. Usually these conferences provide a light breakfast for the attendees who pay several hundred dollars to attend, but this one did not so I arrived with low blood sugar and really hungry. With 15 minutes to spare, I asked the front desk person if he could direct me to the breakfast area. His reply was that breakfast was only for guests of the hotel (was I not? $300 later?) and that he could not permit me to eat there. I explained my situation and that I was in dire need of some food as lunch was still 4 hours away. He then repeated that he could not help me. I then offered to give him $20 if he could just hook me up with a spoonful of oatmeal and he said no again and sent me on my way....very angry. I then had to hike up Scottsdale Rd in heels and a suit foraging for a simple meal. SEAN is the one who invited me in, and made sure the server quickly got a delicious breakfast to me and had me out and back at my conference on time. I was grateful!!! I then spent my $$ at the Scott for lunch instead of the Embassy Suites. AND I will stay at the Scott from now on...it's BEAUTIFUL!!!!