Fern is really a hit or miss sort of restaurant with my recent visit. The interior is still has a very nice and organic vibe. Perfect for taking out a vegetarian date, wait staff don't offer much explanation of the dishes when asked unfortunately which may have caused me to hate the dish I ordered.
I got stuffed peppers which I thought would be pretty big peppers stuffed with the rice and other stuff. Negative, they're tiny very spicy peppers that I could not finish. I also felt like I was eating a burrito bowl at chipotle with no lettuce or beans and mostly rice with a bit of seitan. SUPER BORING and would have turned me off to future visits if it wasn't for our other course!
My friend's dish was a delicious vegan bolognese. The sauce was so savory and warming on the cold rainy night we went! The umami imparted from the tomato sauce permeated the zucchini noodles perfectly while keeping a nice subtle al dente bite to them. I probably would've ordered another one of these dishes if anyone would have checked in during dinner to see if we were enjoying our meal.
Fern you're alright but maybe work on that service a bit okay?