Amazing this place stays in business given the owner's lack of customer service. I went in today looking for an Imlay Canyonero rope. After waiting around ~10 minutes the owner came to help me. He showed me an Imlay rope and I said "that's a Canyonfire" to which he replied "I have no idea." Then he started telling me about the differences between nylon and polyester rope and that the Canyonero is not a good rope for getting wet. I said I need the Canyonero it's the rope I want and it was designed to get wet. He left, returned and pointed at a rope and said "that's an Imlay rope." I said "is it the Canyonero" to which he replied he would have to go and look through the catalogs to determine whether it is a Canyonero rope. It was clear he didn't want to go though this effort so I said "well, I guess you're not intested in selling rope" and he replied "I sells pallets of rope." Well here's 200 ft of pallet plus a $70 rope bag he won't be selling today. He also won't be getting any of the around $1000 a year that I spend on outdoor gear. For future reference, the owner might consider labelling the ropes in his store if he knows nothing about them.