Public transportation isn't this city's strong point.
* Cheaper than a taxi
* Clean, kinda
* Cool advertisements on the side
* Elderly people need to sit on the bottom. It took this senior citizen 10 minutes to get down those stairs. If you are elderly and reading this: "Sit down below, you will hurt yourself on those stairs!" If you are young and reading this: "Please give up your seat for a senior."
* It can be confusing even if you are familiar with public transport. The downtown stops don't pick you up where you get dropped off.
* Buy the $7.00 24/hour pass, not the $5.00 2/hour pass. You'll spend at least 2 hours on Freemont Street even if you don't like it and 30 minutes of the ride is dilly-dallying through the ghetto.
* Bring a full bottle of water. It's hot as hell on them.
Suggestions for the RTC:
* There really needs to be dedicated express buses to downtown from the Wynn. There is no need to make 13 other stops when everyone one is going to the same place.
* Also, I understand there probably is a taxi union as strong as the Hoover Dam, but figure out some kind of bus / metro system to/from McCarran. These taxis continue to rob tourists.