so body english was my favorite club in las vegas on sunday nights because we were always taken care of and the music was always i was REALLY sad when it closed and vanity coming to vanity i had very high expectations of it..once again we were taken care of thanks to Bill any vegas club you should expect a long wait..even if you are a girl..i hate when girls think they can go to a vegas club and assume they will be taken care you know how many other girls are thinking the same as you?? anywho...we dont mind paying for convenience so we already taken of so we walk up and in about a minute we cross the rope...first thing we notice of course was the music. it was POPPIN. best music of the weekend, and DJ Five of Skam Artists is the resident DJ on sunday nights, 2 STARS..the place was packed yet we didn't feel like sardines packed in a can 1 STAR, girls bathroom was CUTE and like a bathroom I have never seen before. definite PLUS 1 star. we always predrink when we go to vegas and we expect that the drinks will be about $10-15. so no big deal. it's like that in any vegas club so please quit your whining...if its too expensive drink before you get in, it is vegas you can drink ANYWHERE, no need for parking lot pimping like back at home....although im very sad to see body english gone, vanity met my expectations and im very happy for hard rock! i will be back!