What a yawn! I found this museum seriously uninspiring. The first gallery or two had a nicely displayed, kind of simplistic review of the history leading up to testing in Nevada. The second two-thirds of the exhibits, however, were painfully lame. I really tried to give the Atomic Testing Museum a chance, out of respect for the importance of the science at least, but I felt like this museum didn't really know who its audience was.
Some of the materials had a child-appropriate "please touch" interactive quality that seemed wrong due to the subject matter. Other materials were set out either with little-to-no explanation or pages worth of text. There was a good movie in the middle with interview from both conflicted and proud participants in atomic testing...but it was shortly followed by a super creepy opportunity to experience a virtual detonation.
Maybe going with the aid of a tour guide is better, but by the time I got to the rooms about the effected Native American lands and "Today and Tomorrow" I was completely bored.