This ACME store is close to our home. We have always envisioned ACME as a hometown local grocer... someone that we want to patronize.
I have run to ACME several times over the last few years to pick up something special nearby. Sadly I find nothing that we need and no local produce. For example, if eggplant is in season (and stocked at other groceries) I find it "sliced and shrink-wrapped" at ACME at an inflated price - if I find it at all.
Where is the butcher? Where is the fish monger? Can I consult a professional?
The store stocks "Food Club" (ACME brand) products that are reasonably priced but they only offer one or two competitively-priced products to choose from. In other words, a consumer has a choice between a mediocre item and a low-balled "ACME" item. Where is the competition??
Recently I almost bought a package (pound?) of butter from ACME that was competitively priced with another local store... sadly the box of butter at ACME consisted of "half-quarter" sticks and it was displayed in a way that "mimicked" a pound of butter (four quarters). ACME obviously takes advantage of their less-savvy customers.
I am always unhappy when I shop at ACME... they have eliminated their competition by not including it in their stock. The "gas rewards" are literally gleaned from products whose prices have been increased by the price of the rewards.
I am disappointed and I do not shop here unless absolutely necessary... and even then I expect to be taken advantage of.