| - Just returned from our first outing at the sparkling new Sun Valley 14 theater. I don't have one negative thing to say about it. There's plenty of parking, the building is lovely (even has a Fountain outside), the service was impeccable, the popcorn was tasty (and free since they are still celebrating their grand opening), the theaters are well designed, and the seats are SO comfortable. (My husband commented that he wanted to take the theater chair home with him and my son said it was the most comfortable movie theater he has ever been in....and we have been in MANY move theaters!
For me, what really set this theater as a cut-above-the-rest is that since they are brand new, so are their screens, movie technology, and 3D glasses design. (The 3D glasses are also coded so if you try to walk off with them, the scanner at the exit will detect it and set off an alarm...yes, the glasses are "that" nice!).
We saw Spiderman in 3D and it was AMAZING!!!! I generally detest 3D movies because I have trouble taking in the entire screen and the movement is bothersome....but not this time!! There were a few first-person shots that make me look away briefly because the motion bothered me a bit, but that was it. Typically, I spend half of time in 3D movies, watching it with my glasses off or turning away from the screen during every action shot. This is a huge selling point for me! My son loves 3D movies so I will be taking him regardless, but if I can actually enjoy them now, too...bonus!!!!
There were some other nice little details that are worth a mention. There are cafe type tables in the first section of the theater. This is a nice place to sit and chat while waiting for the movie to start. They had fresh flower arrangements on the cafe tables and in the ladies room (see picture), the concession stand has self-serve butter topping, which I enjoy. There a nice older gentleman at the door to wish us a good night and was handing out mints. I don't know if they will continue to do this past the grand-opening honeymoon period, but it was a very nice touch!
The icing on the cake for me...the theater is only 10 minutes from my house. That's only a few minutes less than Stonecrest, but I genuinely prefer this theater to Stonecrest for many reasons. Stonecrest is always completely insane, especially on a Fri or Sat night and you need to get there an hour early just to make sure you can find a parking space and get your tickets and concessions before the theater fills up. Although I envision Sun Valley getting busier once the word gets out that this place is so great, I hope that it will never become the manic nuthouse known as Stonecrest. However, they are building up the area and putting a TGIFriday's next door, so I guess time will tell.
Looks like we have ourselves a new favorite theater! :-)