| - This crazy nutjob of a woman, Amy, ruined my hair! I understand she no longer does hair, thank goodness.
My experience -
I had never died my hair before. I had string, thick, nonchemically treated, strawberry blonde, long (to my hips) hair and I wanted to go blonde. I know there is a need for clipping off split ends, but the woman fried my hair and told me it was normal! My hair shortened up to my chin (from being so fried). I never wanted my hair to be shorter, just blonde with a normal trimming! She let the bleach sit on my hair for about 35/40 mins. I didn't know this was not normal, based on the was my first time, so I had no previous knowledge that this is WAY too long. My scalp started itching and I had red marks around my hairline after we washed it out. When I complained about how fried my hair was, she suggested extensions that started at $1,200+! I hope she got fired! It has been over a year and my hair is still healing.