All the credit goes to Bridget! I mean, it's a beautiful space and everyone is very stylish and the whole place smells like yummy Aveda products, so it's a great salon in and of itself. But Bridget is amazing! I actually went here on a Groupon with no specific stylist in mind, and I think I crazy lucky. I have been trying to achieve the perfect pixie for almost a year now and something was always off. I showed Bridget a picture and told her what I wanted, and she had the skill and confidence to tell me that what I wanted was not what I was telling her, and that if I trusted her she'd make it look the way I wanted. That takes guts, to tell a new client that they are doing it wrong. But she was so right, and now my hair looks exactly like the picture I've been carrying around for a year! Go see Bridget, she rocks!